Sunday 5 April 2020

Architecture 1101 Part 2

Architecture 1101 Experiment 2 

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1 Theory (5%):

Harrouk, Christele. "Framlab Imagines Modular Vertical Urban Farms on the Streets of Brooklyn". Arch Daily, 17th March 2020.

The spaces within the school as well as the circulation cross will have compartamentalised and modular sections, each serving their own singular purpose as a lecture hall, or a meeting room... etc. Whilst walking across the circulation bridge, its design and material choice will allow for high visibility for students to view across the campus. This will encourage a sense of freedom and provide inspiration and spark creativity through viewing the connections throughout campus. Meanwhile, having flexible members within the structures allows for the incorportaion of moving parts.

The visibility of flexible and distintictive modular connections provide architecture students insight into relationships between different forms formed through motion.

The exaggerated visibility of animated flexible and distinctive connections provide architecture students insight into relationship between the different forms.

The axonometric diagram and sketch perspectives (25%):


2 Point Perspective

3 x Sketch Perspectives


Upgraded / Improved Gifs and Sketches : 

36 Custom Textures (10%): 

5 Real Time Captures (10%):

(3 Old Pictures to show progress)

(Updated 5 Pictures)